Harnessing Positivity During Painful Periods - Nude Model Covered by Flowers on a Pink Background

5 Tips to Harnessing Positivity During Painful Periods


After years of struggling with heavy, painful periods caused by uterine fibroids, it took me quite some time to heal my relationship with my body. Living with chronic, monthly pain can cultivate negative feelings about your body.

Imagine years of regularly bleeding through your clothes and experiencing pain so sharp that the idea of sitting down is terrifying. Unfortunately, many of you don’t have to imagine. Up to 80% of uterus owners will be affected by uterine fibroids by the time they are 50.

Not all cases of fibroids are symptomatic, but symptomatic sufferers are often plagued by chronic bloating, pain and pressure, heavy and prolonged bleeding, and pain during sex. 



Illustration of pelvic pain points of uterine fibroids on abdomen, pelvic region, and lower back

Common Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

chronic bloating
pain and pressure in pelvis
heavy and prolonged bleeding
extremely painful cramps
pain during sex

When your primary association with your period is pain, fear, and shame, it’s easy to grow resentment towards your menstrual cycle. And with very little concrete information about the exact cause of fibroids, you start to wonder, “Why me?” It becomes a heavy burden to bear.

Through my journey of healing from the physical and emotional impact of fibroids, I had to learn to love my body again. Everything about my body. Including my menstrual cycle. I had to learn to celebrate and welcome my period.

After making lifestyle changes to reduce fibroid symptoms, including managing stress, changing my diet, and intentional movement, I began to adopt a ritual to practice during the menstrual phase of my cycle. I wanted to cultivate a new relationship with my body and minimize period pain and stress. 


5 Tips for Building a Menstrual Phase Ritual


Start your day off right by prioritizing self care in your morning routine.

Starting your day with some self-care can be the thing you need to get centered when starting your day.  An intentional act of love toward yourself can even shape how you feel about yourself.


Practice breath work to ease stress. 

Practicing meditation or breathwork can help ease some of the stress with your cycle. It also allows you to clear your mind to take advantage of your natural tendency to look inward during this phase.


Gentle movement can help reduce cramps.

A few minutes of stretching and recovery postures can help reduce cramps by encouraging better circulation. Child’s pose, forward bending forehead to knee, and legs up the wall are all excellent choices for restorative movement.


Nourish yourself with herbal tea.

Nourish yourself with a warm cup of herbal tea to promote muscle relaxation and improved circulation. 


Explore your emotions & write it out.

Carve out some time to explore your emotions about your body. It’s ok if your thoughts are generally negative or neutral at first. Journaling those thoughts allows you to recognize and unpack those feelings.

Now I can recognize my period for what it is. It’s a time of rest and reflection. A new beginning. A literal and figurative release of the things that no longer serve me physically or emotionally. By intentionally acknowledging my period and giving my body the care and attention it needs, I’ve reclaimed a part of myself that I never thought I could appreciate.




Recommended Rituals for Painful Periods




Warm  Bath Soak

A warm bath soak infused with Tonic's soothing essential oils are known to increase blood flow to help ease pelvic pain discomfort. 



Self Massage with Body Oil

Our sustainably sourced blend of Argan, Jojoba, and Sweet Almond oils moisturize skin and delivers an uplifting boost of Grapefruit — an essential oil known to stimulate blood flow to help you relieve pain and inflammation. 



Struggling with symptoms but not sure what you need? Take our quick quiz for personalized product recommendations. Take the quiz




Meet the Author 

Chunte Bates Bio Portrait


Chunte Bates (she/her) @chunteofmuse is a womb wellness blogger who shares lifestyle tips for hormonal balance. 




Related Reading 

Understanding Uterine Fibroids With the Fibroids Queen 

WTF Is that Pain in My Pelvis? 11 Types of Chronic Pelvic Pain Conditions 

Cycles of Change: Puberty to Menopause & Beyond

Learn What Your Period Blood Is Telling You About Your Health

Learn How Each Phase of the Menstrual Cycle Affects Your Immunity

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I’ll have to try the self massage! Thank you

Thanks for the helpful tips! The women in my household have to take time off for their periods!

I do not miss those days! And I have to tell myself that when I get a hot flash! Great tips.

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