By Raquel Rottman
Momotaro Apotheca strives to support the physiological challenges and quality of life issues associated with nuanced aspects of sexual and reproductive care. But we’re not here just to sell you products; we aim to be part of the larger conversation(s) about sex and sexuality that are often silenced, ignored, or pushed to the corners of the internet. We deliberately use language that is inclusive to all people, everywhere; we prioritize gender neutrality because we recognize that not all individuals with vulvas are women, and not all women have vulvas.
We also know these sexual and reproductive issues can affect anyone, no matter where they’re located, or what language they speak. We’ve all experienced vaginal discomfort (that’s why you’re here, and we exist) and while our products are available in the US, UK, and Canada, we’re well aware that our availability is limited to English-speaking countries. We’re also mindful of the fact that we are fortunate enough to be able to discuss sexual and reproductive health issues more openly than other places in the world.
Sexual and reproductive issues can affect anyone, no matter where they’re located, or what language they speak.
That’s why Momotaro is actively making the effort to provide our community with multilingual content and, as the second most widely spoken language for native speakers, we thought Spanish would be a good place to start.
We recently teamed up with Raquel Rottman, a Spanish-speaking Lima-based sexologist and owner of @corazoneconleche. With a B.S. in Psychology and Biology, Raquel uses her online platform to speak to all of South America about the intersection of mind and body, psychology and sexuality (the brain is the biggest sexual organ, after all!). She discusses everything from evolutionary theories of the vaginal orgasm to PMS to breaking the gender bias and turns scholarly theories into candid conversations with her followers. She’s breaking taboos, and together, we’re traversing physical and ideological borders.
If you’re outside of the US, UK, or Canada and wish to purchase any of our products, please reach out—our stockists may be able to ship internationally on our behalf. If you think your city would benefit with Momotaro products, please drop us a line.

En Español
Momotaro Apotheca es una compañía con certificación orgánica especializada en el bienestar y cuidado vaginal para afrontar los retos fisiológicos y dificultades de la calidad de vida asociados con diversos aspectos de la actividad sexual y reproductiva.
Nuestros productos están formulados a base de plantas con certificación orgánica creados intencionalmente para actuar en sinergia con tus defensas naturales, es decir, es un intercambio positivo y empático para un sistema más eficiente y suave para la buena salud y el cuidado personal. Nosotros seleccionamos ingredientes que alivian las infecciones vaginales, la vaginosis bacteriana y las molestias causadas por irritación, ya sea de una actividad sexual, fricción de la ropa o después de hacer ejercicio. Nuestros productos se fabrican en cantidades limitadas para asegurar su calidad en Portland, Oregon.
En Momotaro Apotheca nos gusta usar las palabras correctas de nuestra anatomía para describir las partes del cuerpo (no usamos apodos o términos vagos como, por ejemplo: “tus partes íntimas” o “tu ya sabes que”), somos conscientes que tus síntomas, olores e incomodidades no deben ocultarse, sino más bien deben ser comunicadas correctamente y solucionadas de una manera realista. Además, deliberadamente usamos un lenguaje inclusivo para todo tipo de gente - lo cual prioriza y resalta nuestra filosofía neutral de la identificación de género, por ejemplo: no todos los individuos que tienen vulva y menstrúan son “mujeres”, es decir, pueden ser “mujeres de nacimiento” pero identificarse como hombres transgénero.
Somos conscientes que tus síntomas, olores e incomodidades no deben ocultarse, sino más bien deben ser comunicadas correctamente y solucionadas de una manera realista.
Inspiradas por nuestras propias experiencias personales, hemos creado productos con ingredientes orgánicos certificados especialmente seleccionados por haber demostrado clínicamente ser eficientes como por ejemplo, berberina y aceite del árbol de té o tea tree oil, para aliviar infecciones bacterianas y micóticas. Nuestros productos no tienen fragancias sintéticas, tintes, preservantes ni aditivos químicos. Cada ingrediente ha sido especialmente escogido para ayudar al funcionamiento de las defensas naturales de nuestro cuerpo.
La vagina es compleja, hagamoslo simple.
Nuestros Productos
Un spray orgánico perfecto para una refrescada rapida despues de hacer ejercicio, cualquier actividad sexual o para cualquier momento que sientas la necesidad de un alivio y un boost instantáneo. Esta fórmula natural es destilada al vapor y hecha de con una delicada combinación de hierbas aromáticas seleccionadas por sus cualidades curativas para casos de infecciones bacterianas o micóticas, desbalances de pH e irritaciones en general. Usa este spray calmante e hidratante para sequedad, escozor o irritación vulvar debido a actividad sexual, fricción de la ropa (ropa interior, ropa de baño, ropa de deporte, etc.), cuidado menstrual o ejercicio.
El salve es nuestro producto estrella. Es realmente un bálsamo que con una fórmula 100% natural alivia y refresca ayudándote a sentir mejor instantáneamente. Este producto tópico a base de plantas está hecho con ingredientes que actúan en forma sana y segura en sintonía con tu cuerpo para aliviar cualquier tipo de incomodidad e inflamación. Hecho con equinácea, tea tree (aceite del árbol de té), Goldenseal y caléndula, este bálsamo es ligero y refrescante gracias a sus ingredientes que alivian en forma delicada los síntomas producidos por infecciones bacterianas y micóticas, así como cualquier tipo de irritación vulvar debido a la actividad sexual, fricción de la ropa (ropa interior, ropa de baño, ropa de deporte, etc.), o ejercicio. Este bálsamo salve pone un bienestar inmediato al alcanze de tus manos en cualquier momento que lo necesites.
Nuestro clásico toner está fabricado con aceites esenciales (puros y naturales) para mantener tu piel y cuerpo en balance. Hecho con aceites de cedro, naranjas y uvas de Oregón, este tónico está formulado a base de Jojoba para relajar y rejuvenecer la piel con propiedades naturales antiinflamatorias y anti-micóticas. Echalo en tu tina en cualquier momento para un alivio prolongado o simplemente úsalo directamente en tu cuerpo para aliviar irritación post-depilación, tratar pelos enquistados o cualquier tipo de molestia.
English Translation
Momotaro Apotheca is a Certified Organic vaginal wellness company that supports the physiological challenges and quality of life issues associated with nuanced aspects of sexual and reproductive care.
Our products are plant based, Certified Organic, and intentionally crafted to be a part of a positive and compassionate conversation about how gentler, systemically more effective products are essential for good health, and self care. We select ingredients that support symptoms of yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and discomfort as well as irritation from sex, clothing, and exercise. Our products are made in small batches in Portland, Oregon.
At Momotaro Apotheca we use anatomical words to describe body parts (never nicknames or vague terms like “your special area,” or “you know where”), we acknowledge that feelings, scent, and discomfort are not things to be covered up; rather they’re to be discussed and taken care of in a realistic way. Additionally, we deliberately use language that is inclusive to all people, everywhere - which is to say we prioritize gender neutrality (not all individuals with vulvas are women, and not all women have vulvas)
Inspired by our own experiences, we've created products by selecting certified organic ingredients that have been shown to clinically address bacteria and fungal infections (like berberine and tea tree). Our products have no synthetic fragrance, dyes, preservatives or additives. Every single ingredient has been intentionally chosen to help your bodies natural defense system.
The vagina is complex; we keep it simple.
Our Products
Hydrosol This Certified Organic spray is perfect for a quick & cooling spritz post exercise, sex or anytime you may need a healing and refreshing boost! This all natural formula is steam distilled and made from a gentle combination of aromatic botanicals selected because they can support symptoms associated with yeast and bacterial infections, PH imbalance, and just general skin irritation. Spray this soothing & moisturizing toner for dryness, itching, or vulvar irritation from sex, clothing, menstrual care, or exercise.
Salve Our signature salve is a soothing & cooling, all-natural formula to help you feel better, faster. This plant-based topical is made with ingredients to safely work with your body to help you address discomfort and inflammation. With Echinacea, Tea Tree, Goldenseal and Calendula, this light topical has ingredients that have been shown to gently relieve symptoms associated with yeast and bacterial infections, as well as general irritation from sex, clothing, or exercise – our salve puts wellness at your fingertips.
Tonic Our signature tonic is made up of essential oils to keep your skin and body balanced. Made from Cedar Wood, Sweet Orange, and Oregon Grape this Jojoba Oil based formula will help you relax and rejuvenate with naturally occurring anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Soak in the bath for extended relief or topically to soothe razor burn, post waxing irritation, ingrown hairs and more.
Meet Raquel

Images and translation provided by Raquel Rottmann (she/her) @corazonconleche
Momotaro Apotheca and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on Momotaro Apotheca is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition.