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Debunking Harmful Vaginal Health Myths



Vaginal health is an important yet often overlooked part of our overall health. Unfortunately, myths and misinformation about vaginal health have been circulating for decades. Many of these myths have persisted, causing unnecessary stress and worry for all people with vaginas. When we grow up being told that vaginas are supposed to smell like roses and taste like candy, no wonder we find ourselves frantically googling things like "how to make your vagina taste good" and "what are vaginas supposed to smell like." Most (if not all) of these myths are rooted in the idea that we should be ashamed of our natural bodies and how they work. So let's finally start to UNlearn these harmful myths and the misinformation behind them.


Let's debunk some of the most common and harmful vaginal health myths so that we can have a better understanding of their bodies and take better care of themselves.


The Myth: Tight is right

The idea that a "tight vagina" is something to strive for has been engrained in society, and is widely accepted as the standard of vaginal health. This myth has caused untold amounts of shame, confusion, and anxiety among people with vaginas. Not only is this myth dangerous, but it's also completely false. This phrase is often tied to the amount of sex someone with a vagina has. Let's settle this: NO AMOUNT OF SEX WILL MAKE YOUR VAGINA LOOSE. Now, the amount of tightness or looseness in the vagina can fluctuate due to things like childbirth and hormonal fluctuations, but ultimately the muscles in the vagina are incredibly resilient and return back to their original state. This means that the idea of a "perfect" tight vagina is an unrealistic goal, and no one should feel obligated to live up to this unattainable standard.


The Myth: You should douche to clean your vagina

Vaginal douching is a practice that involves flushing the vagina with water or a cleansing solution. Despite its popularity, the idea that douching is necessary to keep your vagina clean is a MYTH. Douching can disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria in the vagina, making it more prone to infection. This could lead to an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, as well as other bacterial infections. Additionally, douching can irritate the delicate skin of the vagina and cause inflammation. This can lead to itching, burning, and even abnormal discharge.


The Myth: Vaginal discharge is bad and means you have an infection

It’s a common misconception that any kind of vaginal discharge is a sign of infection. While this can be true in some cases, it’s important to remember that healthy vaginal discharge is actually an important part of maintaining your vaginal health. Healthy vaginal discharge can range from thin and watery to white and sticky It usually has a mild smell or no smell at all. This discharge is made up of cells from the vagina and cervix, bacteria, and mucus, and it helps to keep the vagina clean and free from infection. As long as your discharge is white or clear and odorless, it is generally considered normal and healthy. On the other hand, if you notice your discharge is a different color (such as green or yellow), or has an unpleasant smell, it could be a sign of an infection and should be checked out by a doctor.


The Myth: It's normal to bleed during sex

When it comes to vaginal health, one of the most common myths is that it’s normal to bleed and experience pain during sex. This is simply not true. Pain during intercourse or any other kind of penetration is never normal, and neither is bleeding. If you are experiencing either of these sensations, it could be an indication that something isn’t quite right. Bleeding and pain during sex can be caused by a variety of factors, including an infection, a lack of lubrication and foreplay, a sexually transmitted infection, or even an underlying medical condition. If you are having any kind of pain or bleeding during sex, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the cause and get the appropriate treatment. Because sex is meant to bring you pleasure, and pleasure is what you deserve.


The Myth: You're only aroused if you're 'wet'

When it comes to sexual arousal, many people believe that the presence of vaginal wetness is the only sign that a person is aroused. However, this is far from the truth. Just because someone’s vagina is not ‘wet’ does not mean they are not aroused. In fact, the presence or absence of vaginal wetness has little to do with whether or not someone is aroused. Sexual arousal can be characterized by many different things, such as an increase in heart rate, an increase in breathing rate, an increase in genital blood flow, or an increase in pleasure and sensitivity. It is important to understand that vaginal wetness does not always equate to arousal and that other signs of arousal should be taken into account when judging how aroused someone might be. It is also important to remember that everyone experiences arousal differently and that there is no one “right” way to be aroused. Everyone should be free to explore and enjoy their own unique type of arousal without worrying about whether or not they are wet.


The Myth: All lubes are created equal

It’s easy to assume that any lube out there will do the trick, but the reality is that many mainstream lubricants can actually be disruptive and lead to a vaginal infection. This is because some lubricants contain ingredients such as glycerin, parabens, and propylene glycol, which can all disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina. Glycerin and parabens, in particular, can create an ideal environment for yeast and bacterial growth, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning, and foul-smelling discharge. Many products contain fillers or additives that are not conducive to a healthy vaginal microbiome. To ensure optimal vaginal health, look for lubes that are specifically designed for vaginal use and free of harsh ingredients. Momotaro Apotheca recommends: Lark Love and Good Clean Love


The Myth: You can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up

This is one of the most harmful vaginal health myths out there, and unfortunately, it's also one of the most widely believed. It is false. You can absolutely get pregnant if you have sex standing up. In fact, any sexual position where ejaculation occurs near the vagina can lead to pregnancy. The myth that you can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up not only creates a false sense of security among those engaging in this type of intercourse, but it also reinforces the idea that pregnancy is only possible in certain positions. It's important to remember that pregnancy can happen no matter what position you're in, as long as there's a risk of semen coming into contact with the vagina. The best way to prevent pregnancy is to use an effective method of contraception and to talk to your partner about how you both can stay safe.


It's no surprise that we hear a lot of myths about vaginal health.


From the outwardly shame-filled to the blatantly absurd, these myths have unfortunately been passed down for generations. But it's important to take the time to learn the truth behind these myths and understand how they can be damaging to our bodies. When it comes to vaginal health, knowledge is power. We should do our part to educate ourselves against these myths and empower ourselves with accurate information. By understanding the reality of vaginal health and debunking these harmful myths, we can make sure we’re taking care of ourselves in the best possible way.



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Further Reading:

Debunking 5 Vulvovaginal Health Myths

The 6 Most Common Sexual Health Myths — Busted!

3 Menopause Myths & Where They Come From ft Lark Love

WTF Is Wrong With My Vagina? Comparing 3 Common Vaginal Issues

What Causes Vaginal Infections?




Momotaro Apotheca and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on Momotaro Apotheca is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition.


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