To keep our spirits (and our libidos) lifted, the Momotaro Apotheca team compiled our favorite sex tips, suggestions, and...experiments to keep your sex life strong. Sex care is self care.
Missing something? Hit us back with your own tips — We love new inspo!
25 Sex Tips for 25 Days
Morning sex. Start your morning and that stressful holiday weekend right with morning sex! Whenever, wherever you can. When you have sex, your body releases oxytocin—the hormone that controls love and bonding.
Sex goes hand-in-hand with Salve. We apply a thick application of our best selling Salve to the vulva, or anus after particularly rough sex. Whether it’s with a partner, a toy, or yourself, self care is the gift that keeps on giving.
- Receiving is also giving. Are you guilty of never accepting pleasure from a partner? Make sure you are as accepting as you are giving. Evaluate the dynamics of your relationship both in and out of the bedroom.
- Learn. Your. Body. Knowing the specific and correct terms for body parts helps you express yourself to your partners (and healthcare providers) giving you sole authority over your body and its needs.
READ MORE Below the Fold(s): Learn the Difference Between Your Vulva & Vagina
- Shower sex. If you’re dating a water sign, hit them with that shower sex. Bring a snorkel though, it could be a long one. It’s also easier if the receiving partner has a stool or the edge of the tub to prop their foot up.
- Invest in good lube. If you like it slippery sans water, you're gonna want a good lube on hand. Lube is the perfect sex-ssential for people who want to reduce friction during penetration, prevent micro-tears, or just want to take their pleasure game up a notch. But make sure to pick a lube that's free of ingredients like glycerin, petroleum, added flavors, and other ingredients that can disrupt the delicate vaginal microbiome.
- Get in (birth) control. Antibiotics can nullify the effects of birth control pills, so be prepared with condoms or forego PIV sex until you’re done taking them. FYI pills aren’t the only form of contraceptive! Some people have trouble swallowing (pills...ha) and there are other options—implants, IUDS, tubal ligation to name a few. Check out a comprehensive list of birth control options here.
- Speaking of birth control...emergency contraceptives (you probably know it as Plan B) might not be quite as effective if you’re over 160 lbs. It’s still better to take it than not and hope for the best, but keep this in mind when making decisions before having unprotected sex with a penised partner.
- BYO everything. Headed to a hook up? Bring your own protection, lube, phone charger, and bus money, honey!
- Sex, like relationships, can get messy—keep a designated sex towel handy to protect your sheets and wipe up without worrying about staining your embroidered tea towels.
- Don't be that person. If you don’t have a towel or discarded article of clothing nearby, it’s bad form to wipe excess lube on your partner (allegedly).
- Watch ethical porn. If upfront communication is something you and your partner struggle with, watching porn together before sex may be the unexpected solution to your problems. Of course, porn can be a touchy subject, so check in with yours and your partner’s needs before incorporating this tip. It can an exciting way to bring up what sensations you each like though, and picking an erotic film together might mirror your later discussions on negotiating boundaries.
- Want to pretend you’re a porn star, but not ready to commit to video evidence? Set up a mirror to watch you and your partner(s) have sex. It might sound narcissistic, but it can be a huge turn on to watch someone else experience pleasure with you and can help foster a more intense, intimate connection. Locking eyes during doggy is feral and fun.
- Or role-play….as each other! Have fun dressing up in each other’s clothing and make up and maybe have a little photo shoot while you’re at it. Go fuck yourself!
- Like to go all out with outfits? We love a roll play moment. This could be as easy as different makeup, to lingerie, to that plumber fantasy you have been dreaming of.
- Oral sex is sex. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Location location location. Make a bucket list of places you want to get your freak on in your home alone or with others. May we suggest: living room sofa, dining room table, in front of a full length mirror, or propped up on the bathroom sink—just be sure to uhh, sanitize your surfaces before and after.
- Schedule sex! Scheduling sex sounds...boring, but it’s not only convenient—it can get you and your parter/s in a good rhythm.
- Get fancy. When Meg the Stallion says, “when I ride the dick, imma spell my name,” she means in cursive! Don’t feel the need to stop rocking your hips between each letter. Try new shapes and rhythms to find what you or your partner may like
- And if you experience vaginal swelling afterward and it’s uncomfortable, lay on your back and put your legs and butt up against the wall in an L-shape. This yoga position, called Viparita Karani, helps drain excess fluid and improves circulation. It also naturally relaxes your pelvic floor muscles, so it’s a great position if you deal with painful periods or chronic pelvic pain.
- Make a wish list. Do you or your partner travel? Make a list with your lover(s) of fun ways to stay ~connected~ while away. Go for the usuals suspects—phone sex, sexting, maybe a little naughty FaceTime. But also get creative! What about a photo series strip tease sent over the course of a day? What about a voice note of you getting off? Send them a sex toy they’ve been eyeballing. Maybe an email of a short story erotica…
- Sex isn't the only way to build intimacy. Sex not on the menu for whatever reason? Find other ways to spoil your lover(s). Run them a bath, give them a massage, cook their favorite meal, read out loud to them, offer to do their least favorite chore for them, let them pick the movie you watch, buy them a present — the list goes on. Generosity (in and out of the bedroom) is hot.
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Be Generous
Pour everywhere. Give your partner a massage with a generous helping of our decadent blend of cold pressed Jojoba, Argan, and Sweet Almond oils. Happy ending not required! SHOP BODY OIL |
- But sometimes you gotta be a little selfish in the name of self care. Deliberately go celibate for a day. Pay attention to how your body feels, how it reacts to what you eat or drink, your movement, etc. Try some breath work if you’re feeling anxious or tired and just be still with your body.
- Reminder that sex doesn’t have to go from 0 to 100 in one night (or week, or month or year!). Not only is it hot to let it build, but may also make all parties feel more comfortable. Start with kissing and just focus on that! Don’t obsess over any end goal. Every time you hook up, evaluate if you want to keep doing what you’ve been doing or do a little more this time. Low and slow baby!
- Don’t let Karl stay in the room. Dog or Cat cramping your style? Sometimes we need to kick our our furry friends
Recommended Rituals to Keep You Hot, Not Bothered
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Soothe Sensitive Skin
For immediate relief and lasting relief. A Coconut and Jojoba Oil base protects your skin’s natural moisture barrier and Beeswax slows the dispersal of active ingredients for moisture that lasts all day.
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Balancing Body SoakA warm bath soak infused with Tonic's soothing essential oils are known to increase blood flow to help ease discomfort. Partner not required. SHOP TONIC |
Related Reading
Mind the Pleasure Gap: Gender Inequality in the Bedroom
Learn the Difference Between Your Vagina & Vulva
The 3 Most Important Factors in All Open Relationships
Momotaro Apotheca and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on Momotaro Apotheca is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition.
1 comment
did MM write this as well as star in the photos?! I love this list, it’s like talking to a friend